*News* - I am starting a new fixed-term job soon as Portfolio Manager with Arts Council of Wales working on the development of dance, classical music and circus, and the arts and young people.
This is a fixed-term but full-time contract, which will greatly add to my skillset and experience. It does mean that I am temporarily stepping out of the many things that have kept me busy through two decades of freelancing & employment through Laura H Drane Associates.
The company will still tick over, and there will be work running through it, often led by Associates, including our upcoming and newly developed support offer. I remain a Director of the company and will also perform essential governance duties.
Laura H Drane Associates will still be keeping in touch through our usual channels - the e-newsletter, the website etc plus our legendary Christmas card! Do continue to contact me/us about your needs and requests so that LHDA can continue to support you, now and in the future.
gentle/radical nominated for the Turner Prize 2021
I have been collaborating on and off with Gentle/Radical since 2018, and much more regularly/intensively over the last 12 months.
Now it's public, we want to share this extraordinary and humbling news - Gentle/Radical has been nominated for the Turner Prize.
For more info, click here to read the BBC article about the nominations.
downloadable workshops now available online
Over the last year more and more colleagues and organisations have asked about training on bidwriting and budgets.
We know that not everyone can afford the cost or the time to go on long workshops, so we have created a new online, downloadable programmes with snippets from courses and resources explaining some of the basics.
The latest bidwriting and budgeting workshops are now available to buy online, download, and do in your own time. Read more about this on our training and insights page.